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But having had your bright, fresh, original idea, the really hard part is turning it into a successful product. That’s what takes all the sweat.  (Product Quotes) I consider myself a product of Alaska. The love and the debt that I feel to my home state - you always want your hometown to be the proudest of you, and so it’s heartbreaking to hear people say snarky things.  (Product Quotes) Like the Bible-a document that often contradicts itself and from which one can construct sharply different arguments-theology is the product of human hands and hearts.  (Product Quotes) Pantera revolutionized the sound and the approach to heavy metal. It’s been regurgitated. Once you up the production on a product and not just the playing but the actual production, then it’s going to up the ante.  (Product Quotes) Let us buy atleast one product of Khadi fabric and help light a lamp of Diwali in the homes of the poor.  (Product Quotes)
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